A nice selection of whats going on in Berlin-city can be found right here beim streßfaktor
Regular Dates:
Sundays at 12am there is a vegan breakfast in the"KOEPI" (adress: 137 Koepenicker strasse/ Berlin-Mitte/ U-bahn:
Heinrich-Heinestrasse or S-bahn:Hauptbahnhof
Tuesdays there is a vegan caff in the "KOEPI" starting at around 8pm
The "KARIBUNI" has reopened and is now open on sundays momdays and thursdays from 6-12pm. There will be a
surprise movie on Sundays.
The "politische kneipe M99" in KreutsbergsManteuffelstrasse no.99 is open every Thursday from 8pm. There is also
movies and vegetarien food for 3DM on tuesdays, and fridays is pubnight.
The "Subversiv" holds a vegan caff every Wednesday and friday from 8pm. (adress :Brunnenstrasse 7, backyard.
U-bahn:Rosenthaler platz