Global Action Day

Hi! Here is a short announcement to the comming Global Action Day, Mayday 2000! Or better, in our case, ´tanz in den mai 2000´ (dance into may 2000). After the global action days of 18.6.99 and 30.11.99, the network Peoples Global Action (PGA) are now calling for actions on mai 1. Because of other things on this day we decided to make a ´dance into may´ festival the day before - so it´s 30.4!

The festival will take place in the western part of the Ruhrpot (germany). On the day we want to reclaim a part of the public space and make a festival which should be a brought as possible. Together we want to show how we can live together in an alternative, non-commercialised way. Live music: hiphop, punk, techno,street kitchen, theater, Xposition, performance, etc, etc. Some groups/people have already said to join, but there is always place for more!

More info/contact: 0049 (0)177.8392739


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