Grenoble, france : A new anarchafeminist squat called "La Flibustière"


Since the octobre 2nd 2003, a new squat opened in Grenoble (France). This place is occuped by anarkafeminist women and lesbian. It's a living and feminist activities house opening to all women (angry, shy, fast, straight, black, bi, ugly, white, trans, lesbian, pretty...).

We've got a lot of ideas: library, infoshop (brochures, keeper, freelax...), discussion and feminist action group, party, debate, workshop...

We really need your support!!!!! Come to visit us!!!!

For the beginning of the squat, we need people and help.

Our adress: La Flibustière, 17, rue des Charmettes, 38600 Fontaine, france

Phone: 0033-06 62 82 74 02

Or contact us by e-mail (

La Flibustière

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