The little area of wooden houses in Trondheim, Norway, is threatened by the local authorities who has sold the properties to a carshop that want to expand. The struggle has been going on for almost ten years and reached a peak 30. April when the city parliament decided a second time to tear the houses down, although there are a lot of alternative plans suggested. We expect that the autorities will try to throw us out of our houses in late summer (july/august). Our contracts has been cancelled from 1st of july, and that is also the day we will prepare us selves for. We will NOT move out of the houses, and we WILL resist if they try to force us to!

Anyone for an exiting holiday in Norway? We can offer nice campingsites on squatted land, and a lot of alternative thinking people gathered in one place. Once again fighting together for a more democratic and sosialistic society. Fighting one fucking carshop wanting to tear down one hundred years old wooden houses to build a motorcycle-center!

SQUAT THE WORLD! Love from Svartlamon

For more information:
Send a letter to: Svartlamon Beboerforening, Strandvegen 23, 7042 Trondheim, NORWAY.
Give us a ring: +47 73 50 28 29
Or e-mail us at:

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